Foundation for Ukraine



In May, the Foundation, together with the International Rescue Mission, conducted several tactical medicine training courses and Stop the Bleed in Ukraine. The participants were soldiers and civilians. In addition, the International Rescue Mission provided medical equipment and materials as well as food and hygiene products to, among others, District Hospital in Wasylków.

Wasylków near Kiev is a place where fierce battles took place, it is here that the Russian troops landed at the beginning of the invasion, the city and the region were recovered and maintained by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Territorial Defense Forces, but the situation in the city is still very unstable and the destruction is visible everywhere.

The Foundation trains future doctors .April 25 and 26, 2022

On April 25 and 26, 2022. we conducted training for students of the medical faculty at the Medical University of Lodz. This event was co-organized with the SKN Military Medicine in Poland and Abroad, represented by Katarzyna Knap and Michał Górski. A 2-day workshop for 140 people was preceded by a lecture by prof. Waldemar Machała on the topic: Post-traumatic patient.

More photos:

Training for rescuers from the Cave Rescue Group

On February 15, 2020, the Stop Krwotokom Foundation had the pleasure of conducting training in the field of haemorrhage control for a group of over 20 cave rescuers from the Cave Rescue Group. A 2-day training took place in a picturesque area in Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska. During the training, methods of packing wounds and correct bandage in the event of massive haemorrhages. In addition, the participants had the opportunity to participate in the BLS training. Thank you for coming and the opportunity to conduct a course for such an important group of rescuers as GRJ.

prof. Waldemar Machała supports the activities of the Stop Krwotokom Foundation

It is with great satisfaction that we present support for the Stop Hemorrhages trainings, an unquestioned authority in the field of emergency medicine, anaesthesiology and intensive care by prof. Waldemar Machała: Hemorrhages (mainly from the limbs) are one of the three causes of death of injured injured people (apart from airway obstruction and hypertensive pneumothorax). Stopping bleeding in such conditions is a priority, as confirmed by the [C (bf) ABC] algorithm. C (bf) – this is of course control bleeding first. This means that saving a seriously injured person should begin with stopping the haemorrhage, even in circumstances where no signs of life were found. Only then should you proceed to saving life or undertaking cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Tactical (but not limited to) external bleeding is not particularly complicated. All you need to do is: * Awareness of the phenomenon (sometimes, unfortunately, it is not obvious) * Skills (preferably acquired during the training) * Equipment, including: – Tactical stains (tightening bands) – Haemostatic dressings ( haemostatic gauze / hemostatic powder in applicators) that can stop the bleeding after a few minutes of compression. Additionally, hemostatic gauze is used to fill the wound canal (packing) or cover the tissue defect. Importantly, it should not be used within the nervous structures and eyes. – Devices that block (compress) large vascular trunks, such as JETT. The answer to the question whether it is worth acquiring these skills can only be one …, WORTH.

Pierwsze szkolenie w Polsce

 Pierwsze szkolenie fundacji w Polsce dla instruktorów strzelectwa z firmy i odbyło się na strzelnicy Pasternik w Krakowie 24 lipca 2019r. Darek i Alan to wyjątkowi profesjonaliści. Posiadają olbrzymie doświadczenie w pracy z bronią, unikatową wiedzę oraz umiejętności, które zdobywali w czasie swojej wieloletniej służby.

Nowy partner Fundacji – Anodyne Services Australia

 Z satysfakcją informujemy, iż pierwszym partnerem fundacji została firma dla której obecnie pracujemy w Afganistanie.

 Anodyne Services Australia zapewnia zabezpieczenie medyczne w odległych lokalizacjach nie tylko w Afganistanie ale również w Australi, Papui Nowej Gwinei, Wyspach Salomona, Tybecie, Nigrze, Arabi Saudyjskiej oraz w innych trudno dostępnych miejscach.

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Zakończono rejestrację naszych instruktorów w STOP THE BLEED

 Z wielką przyjemnością informujemy, że pod koniec września 2018 zostaliśmy zarejestrowani jako instruktorzy programu Stop the Bleed. Dzięki temu wszystkie kursy organizowane przez Fundację, prowadzone zgodnie z programem Stop The Bleed, będą rejestrowane na stronie Pozwoli nam to przeprowadzać szkolenia na najwyższym poziomie oraz wystawiać imienne certyfikaty po jego ukończeniu.

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